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that would be sacrilege

  • 1 sacrilege

    noun, no pl.

    [act of] sacrilege — Sakrileg, das

    * * *
    (the act of using a holy thing or place in a wicked way: Robbing a church is considered (a) sacrilege.) die Entweihung
    - academic.ru/63707/sacrilegious">sacrilegious
    - sacrilegiously
    - sacrilegiousness
    * * *
    [ˈsækrɪlɪʤ, AM -rə-]
    n Sakrileg nt geh, Entweihung f, Frevel m; ( fig) Verbrechen nt fig
    it would be a \sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building es wäre ein Verbrechen, an diesem schönen alten Gebäude eine Leuchtreklame anzubringen
    to consider sth \sacrilege etw als ein Sakrileg betrachten
    * * *
    Sakrileg nt; (fig also) Frevel m
    * * *
    sacrilege [ˈsækrılıdʒ] s Sakrileg n:
    a) Kirchen- oder Tempelschändung f, besonders Kirchenraub m
    b) Entweihung f, Schändung f
    c) allg Frevel m
    * * *
    noun, no pl.

    [act of] sacrilege — Sakrileg, das

    * * *
    Frevel - m.
    Sakrileg -e n.

    English-german dictionary > sacrilege

  • 2 sacrilege

    sac·ri·lege [ʼsækrɪlɪʤ, Am -rə-] n
    Sakrileg nt ( geh), Entweihung f, Frevel m; ( fig) Verbrechen nt ( fig)
    it would be a \sacrilege to put a neon sign on that beautiful old building es wäre ein Verbrechen, an diesem schönen alten Gebäude eine Leuchtreklame anzubringen;
    to consider sth \sacrilege etw als ein Sakrileg betrachten

    English-German students dictionary > sacrilege

См. также в других словарях:

  • Sacrilege — is the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object. In a less proper sense, any transgression against the virtue of religion would be a sacrilege. It can come in the form of irreverence to sacred persons, places, and things. When the… …   Wikipedia

  • Sacrilege — • The violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object. In a less proper sense any transgression against the virtue of religion would be a sacrilege Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Sacrilege     Sacrilege …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Anti-Sacrilege Act — The Anti Sacrilege Act (1825 ndash;1830) was a French law against blasphemy and sacrilege passed in January 1825 under King Charles X. The law was never applied (except for a minor point) and finally revoked in the first months of the July… …   Wikipedia

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  • Byzantine Empire — the Eastern Roman Empire after the fall of the Western Empire in A.D. 476. Cap.: Constantinople. * * * Empire, southeastern and southern Europe and western Asia. It began as the city of Byzantium, which had grown from an ancient Greek colony… …   Universalium

  • The Sacrament of Penance —     The Sacrament of Penance     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Sacrament of Penance     Penance is a sacrament of the New Law instituted by Christ in which forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is granted through the priest s absolution to… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • France in the long nineteenth century — History of France …   Wikipedia

  • art criticism — Description, interpretation, and evaluation of works of art, manifested in journal reviews, books, and patronage. Art criticism encompasses a wide variety of approaches, from critical commentary to more subjective emotional reactions inspired by… …   Universalium

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  • Lady Gaga — Gaga at the 2010 Consumer Electronics Show …   Wikipedia

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